Magda - 5 months old

Lilac rabbits are a four-class breed, which means that they are shown as junior doe, junior buck, senior doe, or senior buck, depending on age and weight. Junior Lilacs are under 6 months of age and not over 6 pounds for bucks, and 6 1/2 pounds for does. If a junior weighs more than these weight limits, it can be shown as a senior. Senior Lilacs are 6 months of age and over and weigh 5 1/2 - 7 1/2 pounds for bucks, and 6 - 8 pounds for does. If a senior is under these weight limits, it cannot be shown as a junior.

A good show quality Lilac rabbit should be compact, well rounded, and well balanced throughout. The hindquarters should be broad, smooth, and indicate roundness when viewed from any direction. The body should be well filled and the tail should be carried erect. The head should be short and well filled and should be broader in the bucks than the does. Ears should be well furred and carried erect and the eyes should be bright and clear. Fur should be soft and dense and about 1 inch long. Color should be uniform, medium dove gray with a pinkish tint and matching eyes.

General Type .................................45
  • Body ..............................35
  • Head ..............................3
  • Ears ...............................3
  • Eyes ..............................2
  • Feet & Legs.....................2
  • Fur ..............................................20
    Color ...........................................25
    Condition .....................................10
    Total Points .................................100

    you should be able to take your hand away after the rabbit is posed, but Basil kept getting up when I tried to take the picture... lol Lilacs have compact body type, which means they are posed so that their back and hindquarters are very round, like a ball. With the rabbit sitting on a non-slippery surface, place one hand gently on the rabbit's head and the other on the rabbit's hindquarters. With the head secure, scrunch the hindquarters forward. Tuck the feet under the rabbit's body so that they aren't sticking out. The toes of the back feet should be directly in line with the rabbit's hip.

    Lilacs are faulted if they are long and narrow in body, have pinched hindquarters, broad ears, long legs; heavy bone, thin or uneven coat, show a blue cast, have an extremely light gray coat, or patches of rust in the fur.
    Lilacs are disqualified if they have white or mismatching toenails, white spots or white silver tipping in the fur.

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